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Online shop

of the programme

Parlez-moi d'Avenir ! on TVM3



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Online shop
of the programme
Parlez-moi d'Avenir !
on TVM3

Find all the team of Parlez-moi d'avenir ! on our Internet platform:

To check the availability of the psychics on, go to our website. You'll find their availability and communication options. Choose an available clairvoyant and start your consultation on the line.


The programme "Parlez-moi d'avenir" is broadcast live every evening from 8pm to 10pm on the Swiss television channel TVM3.

Psychics and mediums are on hand to answer all your questions live on air.

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Online shop for the TVM3 programme Parlez-moi d'Avenir!

a selection of the best products featured on Parlez-moi d'Avenir!

We're delighted to share with you some high-quality products that are sure to impress you with their originality and exceptional benefits.

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