High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets
High quality pure copper bracelet and magnets

Adjustable high-grade copper bracelet (pure copper) with 6 x 3500 gauss magnets

Adjustable high-grade copper bracelet (pure copper) with 6 x 3500 gauss magnets

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Adjustable bracelet in high-quality copper (pure copper) with 6 x 3500 Gauss magnets.

To relieve joint pain due to inflammation, improve blood circulation or for general well-being, including better sleep quality and stress reduction.

Both osteoarthritis and arthritis are said to be alleviated by wearing a copper bracelet, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect. Copper is an essential trace element for bone strength, so it's also a good choice for osteoporosis problems. Wearing a copper bracelet is an excellent way to assimilate your daily intake of essential copper, simply through contact between the metal and the skin.

Thousands of men and women around the world who suffer from rheumatism now wear a copper bracelet. It's a phenomenon and a survey based on the satisfaction of those who wear the bracelet and find relief. Copper bracelets are not new! Numerous archaeological remains attest to the ubiquity of bracelets in Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations, etc. as a jewel with therapeutic virtues.

In the 70s, Australian scientist Dr. W.R. Walker conducted a study revealing the therapeutic action of copper bracelets. He showed that the copper in bracelets penetrated the skin and spread throughout the body. Copper is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Here's what Dr. W.R. Walker had to say about copper bracelets:

"I've been interested in copper bracelets since 1974, when an article in an Australian newspaper reported on 157 rheumatic patients who said that copper bracelets had relieved their pain. This article caused quite a stir in Australia, but raised some misgivings among my medical friends. I then undertook my own study, publishing a letter in several Australian journals requesting the cooperation of people with osteoarthritis. Over 300 people responded, and we sent them a detailed questionnaire. They were invited to take part in an experimental study to determine how wearing a copper bracelet might affect their condition. People were called to the Royal Hospital in Newcastle and divided into 2 groups, some wearing a placebo aluminum bracelet that looked like copper and others a real copper bracelet. The study revealed the superiority of the copper bracelet over the placebo bracelet. The copper bracelets used were weighed before use and at the end of the test, with an average weight loss of 23 mg per month for each copper bracelet. Sweat analysis showed the presence of copper in the sweat of subjects wearing the bracelets, proving that copper does penetrate the skin. Our study therefore demonstrated that the copper in the bracelet perfused through the skin into the body. A person suffering from osteoarthritis can be compared to a castaway dying of thirst. The castaway needs water, and the osteoarthritis sufferer needs copper". Doctor W.R. WALKER, University of Newcastle, Australia.

At the height of its quality, our bracelet is made from the purest copper for maximum effectiveness. But that's not all: according to specialists, the magnets integrated into the bracelet influence energy flow in the body, helping to realign magnetic fields to stimulate blood circulation and reduce pain. When we speak of magnets with a certain number of gauss, such as our 3500 gauss bracelets, we're referring to the strength of the magnetic field generated by the magnets and indicating their power. The higher the number of gauss, the stronger the magnetic field. For example, our bracelets, tested and measured at 3500 gauss, are considered relatively powerful compared with other magnets.

As copper is soft and highly malleable, you can adjust this bracelet to the size of your wrist for better contact on your skin.

How to use this copper bracelet

Adjust the bracelet to your wrist so that the copper is in contact with your skin and possibly your veins, which are also a good vector for transmitting copper to the body.

Where copper comes into contact with the epidermis, you may experience discoloration or the appearance of a blue-green discoloration. Continue to wear your bracelet, as these traces will disappear after a few days, and are a sign that the copper has indeed been transmitted to your body.

Wearing a copper bracelet is a good way to assimilate your daily intake of copper, to relieve joint pain due to inflammation, to improve blood circulation and for general well-being, including better sleep quality and stress reduction.

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